Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bad Credit Mortgage Refinancing

Many a times due to some unexpected financial expenses a person may fail to make the repayment of the Mortgage loan and in such case Mortgage Refinancing would be the best option. In case you are credits are suffering then you should apply for Bad Credit Mortgage Refinancing Program. There are many banks and financial organizations that are offering this kind of program.

Bad Credit Mortgage Refinancing Program involves paying the earlier mortgage with the Bad Credit loan amount taken from another lender. This kind of program can be of a real help to the borrowers. It can lower the monthly payments with low rate of interest. When you are applying for this kind of program you must do proper research work in order to find out about the bank's credibility, as not all banks are safe to apply for this kind of program.

When applying for Bad Credit Mortgage Refinancing Program one needs to fill in application form and provide some important documents. All the information given by the borrowers are carefully examined by the lenders. With the coming in of Internet, people can also apply for such program simply sitting at home, i.e. online. People with bad credit history can also go in for this type of program. One should find out about each and every element involved in the mortgage.

Any sort of confusions can lead to lot of problems. Thus if you have any sort of confusion regarding Bad Credit Mortgage Refinancing Program, you should discuss the same with the Mortgage lenders or brokers. This kind of financial program can help the people to save their money and lead a tension free life.

Trendy Indiana Mortgage Refinancing and Second Mortgage Programs: A Brief Review

The combination of rising interest rates (although still historically low) and rising home prices has caused the robust mortgage market to slow from its record pace. This has motivated Indiana lenders to either introduce creative new loan products or to more aggressively market existing products. If you have not shopped for a in a while, you will find numerous new products from which to choose. Following is a brief review of some of the new and popular products available today.

Interest Only - With this loan program you are paying only the interest on your Indiana mortgage and are not paying any principal. This reduces your monthly payments and can allow you to afford a larger home or save more money on a mortgage refinancing or home purchase loan. If used carefully, you can also free up cash flow that can be used for investment purposes or to pay down high interest rate debt.

Negative Amortization - These are often marketed using the phrase "option arm" or "choice mortgage". With this loan type, your payment does not cover all of the monthly interest. Often, your mortgage balance is increasing and the underlying interest rate is usually a monthly variable rate. These loans are used to dramatically reduce your monthly payment and can be used for an Indiana mortgage refinancing or home purchase. This program should be reserved for the more sophisticated borrower and it is important that you understand the terms of the loan.

40 Year Amortization - Rather than paying off in 30 years, this loan pays off in 40 years. As with the Negative Amortization and Interest Only, this program is used to reduce your monthly payment.

Stated Income / Reduced Income Documentation Loans - There are a variety of these loan products available, but they are primarily used to for individuals with difficult to verify income. These can be used for Indiana Mortgage Refinancing, Indiana Second Mortgages and Home Purchase Loans. As lenders have become more comfortable with credit scoring, these products have become very popular. Essentially the lender is relying on the credit score for their loan decision. They realize that borrowers with higher credit scores will pay their mortgage and they do not need to fully verify their income.

ALT A Programs - The "ALT" is short for Alternative and the "A" refers to the borrower category. These are categories of mortgages that fall outside the more stringent guidelines of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Generally these mortgage refinancing programs allow for more flexibility with regards to loan to values and income documentation requirements and can be used for home purchase, mortgage refinancing and second mortgages.

Hybrid Second Mortgages - Traditionally, your options for an Indiana second mortgage were either a fixed rate, fixed term loan or a variable rate, open ended line of credit. Now, you can have the benefit of both. You can start your second mortgage as a variable rate home equity line of credit and then lock in all or a portion of it to a fixed rate for a fixed number of years.

Chris France is a professional mortgage planner with over 10 years lending and banking experience. His programs assist clients with increasing cash flow, reducing liabilities and building equity by integrating a client's mortgage decision with their overall financial plan. He is a manager with CFIC Home Mortgage providing both purchase and refinance transactions. Chris holds a B.S. in Finance and is Fair Credit Reporting Act certified. For additional questions or comments about this article, please contact Chris France at American Mortgage Funding Corp or or 1-800-943-9472. Click here for more information about Indiana Mortgage Refinancing and Indiana Second Mortgage Solutions.

Chris France is a professional mortgage planner with over 10 years lending and banking experience. His programs assist clients with increasing cash flow, reducing liabilities and building equity by integrating a client's mortgage decision with their overall financial plan. He is a manager with CFIC Home Mortgage providing both purchase and refinance transactions. Chris holds a B.S. in Finance and is Fair Credit Reporting Act certified. Click here for more information on Mortgage Refinancing and Second Mortgage Solutions.

Selective Mortgage Decision Making

In a recent article appearing on*, it was reported that Indiana and Ohio lead the nation in the number of home mortgage foreclosures. As the article describes, there are many reasons for the high mortgage foreclosure rate. Regardless of the reason, one key to avoiding this situation is proper mortgage planning. Unexpected medical expenses or the loss of a job are likely beyond your control, however, you can control the decision regarding your next mortgage. Making an informed and educated decision regarding a mortgage refinancing, second mortgage, or home purchase loan will help you avoid trouble. Remember the following the next time you are shopping for a mortgage.

Think Independently - Most children have heard this sage advice. "If your friend jumps off a cliff, are you going to jump, too?".essentially meaning "think for yourself." That same philosophy applies when talking to your loan officer. Just because he/she states that you qualify for a certain mortgage refinancing, second mortgage, or home purchase loan amount does not mean you should accept the loan. Compared to a few years ago, today's lending guidelines accept higher debt to income ratios and/or reduced income documentation, which allows more mortgages to be approved. Remember, you are the one who must make the mortgage payment, not the loan officer. If you are not comfortable with the payment, do not accept the loan.

Understand Your Mortgage - It is imperative that you understand the terms of the new mortgage refinancing, second mortgage, or home purchase loan you are considering. You need to know the following:
1) Is the mortgage a fixed or variable interest rate?
2) Is the mortgage interest only, deferred interest, or fully amortizing?
3) Is there a prepayment penalty?
4) Are there any balloon features to the new mortgage?
5) Are the property taxes and homeowners insurance included in the mortgage payment?

If your loan officer is elusive or gives vague answers to these or any other questions, find a new loan officer. Click here for more information on Mortgage Refinancing and Second Mortgage Solutions.

Shop - Consult with two or three loan officers about your mortgage refinance, second mortgage, or home purchase loan. You will find a wide range of knowledge and ability among loan officers. At the same time, working with more than three will often lead to information overload. Along with comparing interest rates and closing costs, consider your loan officer's integrity, knowledge, and experience.

These guidelines are simple and common sense ideas, but are often forgotten during the excitement and emotion of completing a home purchase loan, mortgage refinancing, or second mortgage. Click here for more information on Mortgage Refinancing and Second Mortgage Solutions.

*; March 18, 2006; Title "Foreclosures in Indiana Hit New High"; Author Ted Evanoff

Chris France is a professional mortgage planner with over 10 years lending and banking experience. His programs assist clients with increasing cash flow, reducing liabilities and building equity by integrating a client's mortgage decision with their overall financial plan. He is a manager with CFIC Home Mortgage providing both purchase and refinance transactions. Chris holds a B.S. in Finance and is Fair Credit Reporting Act certified. Click here for more information on Mortgage Refinancing and Second Mortgage Solutions.

Smarter Internet Research; How to Find the Best Mortgage Refinancing or Second Mortgage Company.

Shopping for a mortgage can, unfortunately, be complex, frustrating and time consuming. If you are in the market for a mortgage refinancing or second mortgage, the Internet can be a great place to research and shop for a loan on your terms. At the same time, the amount of information available regarding mortgage refinancing programs on the Internet can be overwhelming. For example, searching for the phrase "mortgage refinancing" on Google returns 8,600,000 results. Searching for "second mortgage" on Yahoo returns 37,500,000 web pages.

From these millions of results, you will find two main categories of websites:

1. Actual mortgage companies
2. Lead sellers or "aggregators"

Following is information for both types of results.

Mortgage Company - This is just as it sounds and is an actual company that is in business to do first or second mortgages. It will likely take the form of either a mortgage broker or mortgage banker. You can usually recognize websites that are mortgage companies by the following:

1. They will post an easily viewable phone number that you can call.

2. They will post their address.

3. Their mortgage licensing information should be posted on the site.

4. They may post current interest rates for either their mortgage refinancing or second mortgage programs.

5. They may have an "about us" or staff directory page.

Lead Seller - Lead sellers are in business to gather your information and then sell it to a mortgage company. They are not mortgage refinancing companies and do not make loans. The majority of these sites use some variation of "simplify the mortgage shopping process by completing 1 form and have up to 4 mortgage companies compete for your business". While these sites can certainly deliver as promised, you should also consider the following if you are completing one of their forms:

1. Are they using a secure connection to collect and transmit your information?

2. Do you know where your information is going?

3. Are you sure they will only sell your information 4 times. As with many industries, this industry has its share of dishonesty. The lead sellers are paid each time they sell your name, so some do not stop at 4 as promoted. From personal experience working on the mortgage side of business, I have spoken with clients whose names have been sold 15 - 20 times. The end result is a phone that keeps ringing and frustration.

4. Be careful filling out more than one of these types of forms. Completing more than 1 will likely inundate you with telephone calls and emails.

When shopping for a mortgage refinancing or second mortgage, it is wise to speak with more than 1 company. If, during your search, you cannot find at least 2 or 3 mortgage company websites that you like, you might consider completing a lead aggregators form. Just remember that you do not want to end up with information overload. Click here for more information on Mortgage Refinancing and Second Mortgage Solutions.

Chris France is a professional mortgage planner with over 10 years lending and banking experience. His programs assist clients with increasing cash flow, reducing liabilities and building equity by integrating a client's mortgage decision with their overall financial plan. He is a manager with CFIC Home Mortgage providing both purchase and refinance transactions. Chris holds a B.S. in Finance and is Fair Credit Reporting Act certified. Click here for more information on Mortgage Refinancing and Second Mortgage Solutions.

Bad Credit Mortgage Refinancing

Many a times due to some unexpected financial expenses a person may fail to make the repayment of the Mortgage loan and in such case Mortgage Refinancing would be the best option. In case you are credits are suffering then you should apply for Bad Credit Mortgage Refinancing Program. There are many banks and financial organizations that are offering this kind of program.

Bad Credit Mortgage Refinancing Program involves paying the earlier mortgage with the Bad Credit loan amount taken from another lender. This kind of program can be of a real help to the borrowers. It can lower the monthly payments with low rate of interest. When you are applying for this kind of program you must do proper research work in order to find out about the bank’s credibility, as not all banks are safe to apply for this kind of program.

When applying for Bad Credit Mortgage Refinancing Program one needs to fill in application form and provide some important documents. All the information given by the borrowers are carefully examined by the lenders. With the coming in of Internet, people can also apply for such program simply sitting at home, i.e. online. People with bad credit history can also go in for this type of program. One should find out about each and every element involved in the mortgage.

Any sort of confusions can lead to lot of problems. Thus if you have any sort of confusion regarding Bad Credit Mortgage Refinancing Program, you should discuss the same with the Mortgage lenders or brokers. This kind of financial program can help the people to save their money and lead a tension free life.

Catalogue: Finance | Mortgages
Title: Bad Credit Mortgage Refinancing By: Jim

Tips for Mortgage Refinancing and Debt Consolidation

Many people discover that their credit card debt is out of control when they get their monthly bank statement. Mortgage payment, everyday spending, services and occasionally getaways or dining out can bring your balance over-the-limit fees. It's time to consider debt consolidation to save your money - credit card balance transfer, home equity loan or mortgage refinancing.

One of the best ways to obtain debt relief is by consolidating your debts with a mortgage refinancing if the timing is right. Refinanced mortgage is a form of debt help for the borrower, who will be able to pay down the old mortgage with the money of a new loan. The benefit of mortgage refinancing is based in not only debt consolidation of other debt, but in getting a lower interest rate, lower pay off, and taking cash out of the home equity. Although every borrower may have their particular reason for applying for a new loan, all of them share the desire for debt relief by reducing their mortgages' interests' rates and liquidating cash from their home equity when possible. Mortgage refinancing usually costs a couple of thousand dollars in closing cost besides the time you spend on research, application etc. Debt advice on home mortgage can easily be obtained through the mortgage lender, mortgage broker, financial institutions and Government Consumer Protection Offices.

Because secure loans and mortgages are backed up by collateral property or a guarantee for any other sort of asset, lowering the rates means more savings and debt relief. Mortgage refinancing could quickly reduce your debt if done properly. Mortgage refinancing lets you cash out your equity to be applied for debt relief purposes, and allow you to qualify for lower rates than a home equity loan. A single mortgage is often considered less risky than having two loans.

Taking a shorter term in your mortgage refinancing may further lower the interest rate. For instance, if your original mortgage is a 30-year loan, you may consider a 15-year mortgage while refinancing the loan. The monthly payment of a 15-year loan is about 20-30% higher than the one of a 30-year mortgage, not as high as out intuition tells us.

Genuine debt help comes when you weigh the pros and cons of debt consolidation. Obtaining a mortgage refinance may be the best option for debt relief, remembering that you will have to follow a similar process like the first time application so make sure to keep a good credit history before you apply. Be sure to get mortgage quotes from at least three mortgage lenders before you commit. Weight the pros and cons of your current mortgage, and compare the actual interest rates you are paying off in comparison to those resulting from your new debt management perspective, considering collateral involved in the debt and possible future risks as well. Your financial adviser can offer valuable advice for your debt relief.

Natalie Aranda is a freelance writer. She contributes to Ecommerce Guide and Gift Ideas for Wedding and Valentines.

Mortgage Refinancing

Mortgage is a long term loan and the mortgage monthly payments form a major monthly expense. A lower mortgage rate means lower monthly mortgage payments. This is one reason why people hunt for low interest rates on a mortgage.

As we know, there are two types of mortgage rates i.e. fixed and floating, and different people prefer different types of rate. Again, the prevailing market rate keeps changing all the time. So it’s quite possible that you entered a mortgage at a rate that is higher than the current rate. This is when you start thinking of mortgage refinancing. By mortgage refinancing we mean full payment of the current mortgage loan by entering into a new mortgage loan at a lower rate. So mortgage refinancing starts making sense as soon as the difference in the mortgage rates becomes significant (say 1.50-2% points) i.e. prevailing market rate comes down significantly as compared to the mortgage rate on your current mortgage. Mortgage refinancing decision would, of course, also depend on the remaining term of your mortgage (for mortgage refinancing would make no sense if you had just a short period of say 4-5 years remaining on your current mortgage). These criteria for mortgage refinancing are based on the various costs associated with mortgage refinancing. These mortgage refinancing costs include prepayment costs for the current mortgage, closing costs of the new mortgage and other fees etc. Generally, people use mortgage refinancing as a tool to move from a higher adjustable rate mortgage to a lower fixed rate mortgage. Though the reverse is possible too in some cases but adjustable rate mortgage to fixed rate mortgage is generally the case.

Another reason for mortgage refinancing is ‘need for money’. So, if you have built a significant home equity, you can use mortgage refinancing to get a home mortgage loan that will generate cash for you (by bartering your home equity). This money generated from mortgage refinance can be used for various purposes like financing the education of children, debt consolidation or home renovation. Debt consolidation is one big reason for mortgage refinancing. You can use mortgage refinance for creating money to get rid of high interest debts (like credit card debt, personal loans etc) and hence save money and your credit rating too.

By mortgage refinancing you can save thousands of dollars in terms of the total interest you pay over the term of loan. So mortgage refinancing is surely a good option but must be exercised only after proper evaluation of the situation and of your own needs.

Catalogue: Finance | Mortgages
Title: Mortgage Refinancing By: Matt Ellsworth